104.10.27 | Scaffolding Interaction From peripheral to central participants in rural English classrooms高雄市大樹國中英文教師莊慧蓉 老師 |
104.11.17 | Teaching Second Language Listening : What can we learn from research finding?醒吾科技大學應用外語系錢清香 教授 |
104.11.17 | Open Education and Languagr Teaching開放教育與語言教學台中市東山高中數位學習組 組長李海碩 老師 |
104.12.22 | NCTU TESOL READING CLUB書名:記得這堂閱讀課作者:楊志朗 |
105.2.17 | NCTU TESOL READING CLUB書名:國中三年快樂教作者:牧雨軒 |
105.4.19 | NCTU TESOL READING CLUB看見生命中的美好-與童書翻譯達人一起聊繪本黃筱茵 老師 |
105.4.25 | 兩性平等宣導課程從電影愛在黎明破曉時談關係的魔法講師:黃柏威 老師 |
105.4.25 | 資優教育面面觀國立台灣師範大學特殊教育學系陳昭儀 教授 |
105.5.2 | Bootstrapping Method for Successful Scholarly國立陽明大學人文與社會教育中心助理教授Dr. Barry Lee Reynolds |
105.6.13 | Tackling the complexities of Designing Online Literacy Circles for Graduate-Level Course碩士課程線上文學圈之設計以及其複雜之處Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation at Arizona State UniversityAssistant Professor Yi-Chun Hong |
105.6.13 | 我的求學與求職心路分享Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation at Arizona State UniversityAssistant Professor Yi-Chun Hong |